Let’s Make Baby Gatza-Andric Happen

Calgary, AB (CA)
Created 1 month ago
Fertility Treatments

Let’s Make Baby Gatza-Andric Happen

by Crystal Gatza

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $10,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $3,005.00

    Funds Raised
  • 81

    Days to go
$3,005.00 raised of $10,000.00 Goal
Minimum amount is $ Maximum amount is $ Please input donation amount
Calgary, AB (CA)

Crystal Gatza is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

Since I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a mother. Whenever someone asked about my dream job, my answer was always the same: “Being a mom.” I chose to become a teacher because it allowed me to work with children while also providing a schedule that would align with the life I envisioned as a working mother.

After completing my education, I spent five years teaching Indigenous children in a remote community. By the time I moved to the city, I was already in my early 30s. I had always been healthy, with regular cycles, so I assumed that once I found the right person, getting pregnant would be easy.

I met my partner at 35. He had three young children from a previous marriage, and while I embraced and adored them, I longed for a child of my own. Two years into our relationship, we started trying to conceive. It quickly became clear that this journey would not be as easy as I had hoped.

We sought help from a local fertility clinic and started with IUI, but it was unsuccessful. Determined, we explored natural approaches—acupuncture, naturopathy, supplements—yet nothing worked. At 40, with my partner at 36, we turned to IVF. Our retrieval resulted in three embryos, which we chose not to test. The first, a fresh transfer, failed.

After working with that clinic for some time, we realized I needed more support than they were able to provide. I pursued additional testing on my own and discovered a low-positive result for APA and ANA, indicating that I might need immune protocol treatments. We made the difficult decision to transfer our embryos to another clinic in hopes of a better outcome. The doctor was optimistic, and we felt renewed hope. However, since then, we have discovered that I have endometriosis and adenomyosis. This has added more difficulty to our journey.

I love my stepchildren dearly, but the desire to experience pregnancy and bring a child into our family is something I cannot let go of. My partner and I want to complete our family, and his children often ask for the baby brother or sister they long to have.

We are now consulting with CNY for one final retrieval, hoping to bank another embryo or two. I am not ready to give up! We are also opening our minds to the possibility of using donor eggs, yet the financial burden of that option is overwhelming. The cost of continued treatments has added up and we are trying everything we can before our time runs out. Everyday, I fear that my dream of becoming a mother is slipping away.

We are now trying to find ways to get the funding needed to continue our journey and give us a real chance at completing our family. This dream is one I have held onto my entire life, and I am willing to fight for it as long as I can.

People who know me, know I’m usually the one to help others and very rarely ask for help. At the very least, I’m asking if you could share my story with others in hopes of making our dream a reality.

Much love xo

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $150.00 February 23, 2025
Brenda Murray $50.00 February 13, 2025
Christel and Shaun Friesen $1,000.00 February 10, 2025
Winston Loveys $100.00 February 09, 2025
Lee-Anne Maxwell $40.00 February 07, 2025
Jocelyn Maceachern $215.00 February 06, 2025
Anonymous $1,400.00 February 06, 2025
Johnna Aucoin $50.00 February 05, 2025